"Writing is like sex. First you do it for love, then you do it for your friends, and then you do it for money."-Virginia Woolf
Looking for an adult blog writer? I can do that for you! I've been a full time phone sex operator since 2008 and talk about naughty things day and night, so it's not difficult to translate that into my writing.
I currently write for several adult websites doing weekly blog posts, writing descriptions of the products they sell, mostly sex toys, and promoting phone sex sites and escorts. I also occasionally write for other phone sex operators that are either too busy, or just don't have the desire to write their own.
I specialize in ones 250-300 words. When I write one for you, it is written for you alone, I do not resell the same blog to multiple people, so you can be assured it is original.
I also keep very organized files, so if a blog I ever did for you was lost if your computer died, etc. you can email me at any point in the future and be sent the file you are looking for, even years later. People have had this happen and been glad I still had the things I wrote for them on file.
I can write ones that are just regular blogs, or ones that have keywords written into them a few times. Just let me know what the topic is, if you want keywords, if so which ones.
I am pretty open minded, so whatever you talk about, I can likely write about. I do have my limits though, so if taboo, please enquire as to my personal limitations.
I can also do the text for your phone sex site listings.
I pride myself on my sense of humor, and can incorporate humor into your blogs I create for you, if you so choose.
So add some class to your blogs and see what I can do for yours today!
The black video player below doesn't show very well, but it works. Please click to see video!
“I always start writing with a clean piece of paper and a dirty mind.” —Patrick Dennis

"Graze on my lips, and if those hills be dry, stray lower, where the pleasant fountains lie."-William Shakespeare
"Why should I be ashamed to describe what nature was not ashamed to create?"-Pietro Aretino